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Writer's pictureNicole

Full House

I thought I kept a pretty clean home. I mean, there were times when I left dishes in the sink, laundry did pile up, and well, there was my office that was just a room that accumulated a lot of my memorabilia from different phases of my life. Oh, and there was my basement full of junk from a previous relationship, and I mean FULL OF JUNK. So much junk that I had to pay a company to just come and remove every single thing. There was also an altar that I had made using the limited knowledge from watching Instagram videos, copying what I saw some of my acquaintances have in their home spaces, and books. Dog hair, dust on the baseboards, cobwebs, refrigerator and freezer full of items that were either expired or didn’t align with my health journey, and cabinets that held a similar identity to my fridge. Not to mention I was getting bopped and turned around in my personal life and living in complete chaos, but I thought I was making it look pretty with my Swiffer mop and Plug-ins, meanwhile not opening my eyes to the spiritual ramifications of my living conditions and how that was seriously affecting my life. I am becoming more knowledgeable about the effects of poor Spiritual Hygiene. I was living it and seeing for myself what happens when you don’t take responsibility and care for the spiritual environment in your home.

My involvement with SHYNE has been critical in learning and developing a framework for what Spiritual Hygiene is, looks like, and how to maintain it. My relationship with a Spiritual Reset for my Home began as an assignment and my ancestors got involved... it’s their home too. My assignment came to me in January, and I didn’t complete it until April. I was in my way, I drug my feet, I made excuses, mostly I just avoided the work and with that approach came serious repercussions. Not only did I still have chaotic moments still moving in my home, I disappointed my ancestors, and issues in my character became relevant.

As I finally got serious and took ownership of my responsibility to control the spiritual atmosphere of my home, the beauty of the assignment was revealed to me in numerous ways. I learned how to close an open portal, that old altar that served as a portal for low vibrational energies. I learned that my voice could direct and command those energies to move. I was reminded that I am the altar.

My kitchen was another space of relevance as it is the center of my home and used to nurture myself. I learned how to align my kitchen with my health goals. Replacing processed foods and meats with fruits and vegetables. Replacing seasonings that were high in sodium with fresh herbs and seasoning without additives that were detrimental to my health as I continue to heal my womb and lower my blood pressure. Yes. No Lawry’s and No more Lemon Pepper seasonings. As I wiped the inside of the fridge, the light became brighter. It even smelled better. There was a sense of order and it felt good to know that whatever was in that fridge, was there because it was lifting me higher, and it was integral to my healing journey. Organizing my dry goods and spices allows me to flow when I’m cooking, instead of things just being everywhere. My Ori (spiritual head) was also able to work and be strengthened as I came up with an idea of how I wanted to move through my kitchen.

Bathroom mirrors were cleaned, and I was able to clearly see myself for the woman I am and who I am becoming, not behind a mask of toothpaste stains. My shower, one of the spaces in my home where I am the most vulnerable, became a place of gratitude for my body, free of mildew and soap scum. Removing the scuff marks on the walls, reminded me of areas in my life that have left marks. Although those marks may look deep, with some work, they can be lifted. I was also reminded to be gentle with those marks (myself) because being tough and aggressive will remove the paint on the wall and harsh critiques of myself only aid in my own self dehumanization. Cleaning baseboards reminded me to remain humble and also a reminder of the importance of bodywork and stretching. Getting down on these knees is no joke and I felt no lingering soreness or pain.

Creating this spiritual reset in my home was a destination and the maintenance of this spiritual atmosphere is becoming more of a preference and not a chore. My home has become so much more peaceful, light, airy, and calm. I can look at areas of my home and be my own cheerleader because I DID IT…Look at those clean baseboards! My home has become my safe place again, my place of peace again, and, as long as I maintain the hygiene and do my work, this is a space where my ancestors and I can continue to heal safely and not be disrupted by the energies of chaos, confusion, death, disease and anything that is not for our best and highest good. Asé.


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