One-on-one development is a cornerstone of the SHYNE Institute. While having an authentic community is a key lever for assuring a sustainable path in one's journey, we are fully aware that individualized processing, coaching, and development provide necessary support for women to feel empowered as they navigate the ebbs and flows of healing and walking the path of their chosen destiny.
Iya Oloruntomi supports individuals, families, communities and organizations in actualizing their highest potential. Not only is she initiated in the IFA/Orisa tradition, but she has also been a professional Educator since 2009 and has 17 years of personal experience in Ancestral and Holisitc healing. Her niched expertise in liberatory education, combined with her gifts in coaching, mediumship, program strategy, curriculum development and consulting allows her to provide an incredible wealth of spiritual, personal and professional support in an individual, community and institutional capacity.
In the words of Iya Oloruntomi: "the greatest teachers are those who have internalized that teaching is simply the mastery of learning."